Bears (3 year-olds)

Bears class can be the first solo experience for many children, therefore the primary focus of the ECEs is to provide a nurturing sense of well being and belonging as they build trust and relationship with your child. As the children engage with materials, play, and interact with their peers and other adults, they are supported in creating their own class community. Through the development of self regulation, cooperation, empathy, language, and communication skills, the Bears learn how to navigate friendship and expressing their own wants and needs.

The Bears’ daily program provides many opportunities for the children to build self-confidence and independence in foundational skills as they move through basic routines including group time, clean up, dressing, snack time, and toileting. Bears will have indoor and outdoor (rain or shine) play opportunities. Our program offers exploration of art materials, dramatic play, sensory experiences, blocks, puzzles, language and literature, music, and circle time, as well as a fantastic space for outdoor gross motor and exploration of nature.